Visualizing can sometimes be hard to do. Are you doing it right? Is there even a ‘right’ way to do it? Or am I just wasting my time. I’ve put together four of my favourite videos that explain what visualizing is doing to your head, a process for how to do it and a vivid example by a world class athlete.Sometimes you need to hear a concept a couple of times before it sinks in. This is definitely true for me when it comes to visualizing.

I’ve heard it for years.

From sooo many different sources:

  • Tony Robbins (of course)
  • Brendan Burchard
  • Napolean Hill
  • Bob Proctor
  • Chalene Johnson
  • Jim Rohn

Okay, I’ll stop there, you get the picture.

They’ve all talked about visualizing but no one has really nailed it for me quite like Tony Robbins. So this curated list of videos could only begin with him.

This is the video that shocked me (even though I’d already seen it at least TWICE before… how does that even happen?) with it’s simple explanation of visualising.

Tony Robbins with Frank Kern & John Reese

Did that video also make sense to you? (I chose a version that cuts straight to the important bits so you didn’t have to watch all the prelude stuff.)

You know, even though there’s the new Netflix program out called I Am Not Your Guru, Tony IS my guru.

The Simple Definition of guru:

  • a religious teacher and spiritual guide in Hinduism
  • a teacher or guide that you trust
  • a person who has a lot of experience in or knowledge about a particular subject

Ummm Tony, you fit easily into the second two bullet points for me. So there. 😃

Visualizing the Perfect Race

Ryan Lochte describes his perfect race. While you may not be a swimmer aiming for an Olympic gold, the way he describes the race is both detailed and personal. He thinks and talks about all the parts of the race, including the lead up and the celebration afterward, how he’s feeling, the music that’s playing, the people around him. This is visualizing practising perfectly.

How To Visualize

And here’s a video from Colin Hiles, a man from the UK who calls himself The Mindset Guy.

In this video, gosh, he gives a really good overview of what visualization is, why it works and most importantly, the process of how to do it.

And I’m going to round off with this Howdini video from Alexa Fischer. It’s only two minutes, but in my opinion she captures the essnence of how to visualize.

With just these four videos you will be well placed to start practicing visualizing today.
Visualizing vids-ImaginationThe power of visualizing is in the ability to practice everything as perfect. This gives your brain the results it needs to fuel your belief in your abilities. Your subconscious then moves you take actions that take you closer to your goals.

Visualizing can sometimes be hard to do. Are you doing it right? Is there even a ‘right’ way to do it? Or am I just wasting my time. I’ve put together four of my favourite videos that explain what visualizing is doing to your head, a process for how to do it and a vivid example by a world class athlete.

Are you doing the 30 day Visualizing Challenge with me? How are you going?

P.S. I’m loving it! I feel like it’s making a difference in my world already. 🙂

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