When your visualizing you have the ability to conduct practice sessions in your head; but you get to practise those sessions perfectly. This gives your mind the positive results that it needs to feed your belief. Your belief in your ability and your potential grows with each perfect practice session you have.I’m visualizing myself sitting at my laptop here at home, I’ve got a big smile on my face because I’m happy and I feel ready to get writing. I’m excited about what I’ve got to share yet I’m calm and focussed. My mind is clear and confident and I have ideas ready to be corralled.

I’m comfortable in both mind and body.


This has just become top of my priority list.

From tomorrow, Monday 1st August (it’s one of those days where you’ve got no excuse right? It’s a Monday, and it’s the first of the month, so you MUST have to start that new habit you’ve been avoiding :-/) I will be spending a few minutes twice a day, visualizing the above scenario.

Yesterday I watched a Tony Robbins video where Frank Kern and John Reese interviewed Tony.

In case you didn’t know, Frank and John are both very successful internet marketers. In a nutshell, they asked Tony why it is that so many people don’t take any action towards something that they want. The example they gave Tony, was that they both create courses on how to make money online.

As I said before, they are both very successful in this area and they’ve proven that their methods work, and they work very well. But people will buy their courses, and then do nothing.

Like, some don’t even open the package or download the content. They just buy it and that’s it!

This resonates a lot with me. I’m not quite as bad as the person who doesn’t download the content, but I’ll get started on the course and I’ll work through all the material, but I get bored or busy or, more likely, come across a (usually very small) hurdle, and I give up! It gets just a little bit hard and I give up.

Tonys remedy for this behaviour is visualizing.

What is visualizing?

It is the use of the imagination through pictures or mental imagery to create visions of what we want in our lives and how to make them happen. Along with focus and emotion it becomes a powerful, creative tool that helps us achieve what we want in lifewww.essentiallifeskills.net

Well, it’s about more than just visualizing.

It’s about beliefs.

It’s really hard to keep doing something (like taking action that a course you bought tells you to do) when you don’t fully believe that you have the potential to be successful in what you’re working towards.

For a time you can force yourself to take the action, but if you don’t get the results that you want it reinforces that belief that you have about your potential.

Visualizing allows you to create perfect results (in your head) which feeds into your belief about your potential... and the cycle continues.

What you need to do is to produce the results in your head, that will fuel your beliefs, which will fuel the rest of the cycle above.

And how do you get the results in your head?


Oh geez, if you haven’t already, take some time to watch the video above, Tony talks about this stuff with such passion and conviction.

Tony then talks about an experiment with basketball players who would ‘choke’ when given a free-throw. They did an experiment with three groups of players.

Group One would practice their free throws for six weeks. They would have to do a certain number of free throws per day.

Group Two was a control group and they did no practice.

Group Three would only practice their free throws in their mind. No physical practising. But with their practice they would visualize them getting in every single free throw. They would ‘practice perfectly’.

At the end of six weeks… well maybe you should watch the video to see what the outcome of that experiment was. 😃

When your visualizing you have the ability to conduct practice sessions in your head; but you get to practise those sessions perfectly. This gives your mind the positive results that it needs to feed your belief. Your belief in your ability and your potential grows with each perfect practice session you have.

For me, I seem to have a mental block when it comes to writing. I often, just cannot make myself write, even though I really enjoy and it’s what I need to do to make this blog successful. To overcome whatever mental blocks I’ve put on myself and my potential, I’m going to visualize every day for the month of August. Twice a day, I’m going to take a few minutes to visualize the scenario at the top of this post. One where I’m writing and it’s great writing, and I’m enjoying it.

Will you join me for your own Visualisation Challenge?

If you would like, you can add what you are going to be visualizing in the comments below. You don’t have to share though, if you just want to comment, that’s cool too.

*Spelling – I’m a kiwi, so we spell visualizing as visualising,  I think I’ve caught all the times where I reverted to my normal spelling, but please try not to get distracted if I haven’t caught it. I’ve chosen to use the American spelling because there are more people in the world that would search for ‘visualizing’ than there are that would search for ‘visualising’.

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