4 Super Simple Steps to get started with meditation - meditation doesn't need to be hard (and it isn't) so just follow these really easy steps to get you started on a meditation practice. Don't overthink it, just get started.I’m sure you’ve been meaning to start meditating as you’ve heard lots of people talking about meditation and how good it is for you. I mean, it seems that every successful entrepreneur, sportsperson and celebrity is doing it these days. (That, and yoga. I haven’t got to yoga yet…)

If the person looks happy, calm, fulfilled, sane… well it seems you find out that they’ve taken up meditating and it’s changed their life!

Well, I can’t say that meditating has changed my life, per se, but I would have to agree that meditation is good. I can’t quite define what’s good about it (although I’ve tried), but it just makes me feel good.

So you’ve read about it and heard about it ad nauseam, so it’s time to get started. Here’s the quickest, easiest, stress-free four steps to get you started into meditation. Stop thinking about, and just give it a go. Ten minutes is all you’ll need to start…

1. Go to headspace.com and sign up for their free trial.

You just need a name and email address and you’re good to go.

2. Find a spot where you won’t get disturbed for 10 minutes.

Okay, okay that might actually be the hardest step for some of us. Children, pets, spouses, neighbours… they all want your attention. But you need to get away somewhere where you won’t be disturbed. That may mean doing this late at night or early in the morning; which isn’t a bad thing. Just before bed or first thing in the morning is a great time to meditate.

3. Sit upright, but relaxed and comfortable.

Unless you’re pretty supple (which I’m not) I wouldn’t suggest sitting cross-legged on the floor. Just find a comfortable chair but make sure your back is upright. i.e. not reclining. And definitely not lying down. Unless you’re planning on using this time for a nap?

4. Be nice to yourself.

I think you’re pretty awesome and I’d be pretty upset if I heard anyone telling you that your useless at meditating. You should feel the same way too. Be nice to yourself. You’re doing great. There is no right or wrong way to meditate, just appreciate whatever you get out of it.

And that’s it. Super simple I know. But that’s the whole thing about meditation, it is simple. We just forget to allow ourselves the time and space and enjoyment of it.

Got any questions? (It’s not like I’m a guru or anything, but I’ve been going about four months now and I think this might be the longest I’ve ever stuck at anything! So maybe that’s a testimonial in itself?)

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4 Super Simple Steps to get started with meditation - meditation doesn't need to be hard (and it isn't) so just follow these really easy steps to get you started on a meditation practice. Don't overthink it, just get started. 4 Super Simple Steps to get started with meditation - meditation doesn't need to be hard (and it isn't) so just follow these really easy steps to get you started on a meditation practice. Don't overthink it, just get started.